“But If You Bite And Devour One Another”

By Dennis C. Abernathy “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another” (Gal. 5:15). As sad as it is, the situation described by the above verse of Scripture is all too true in many congregations of the Lord’s people. This is seen in an atmosphere of …

Things That Bring A Departure From The Faith

By Donald Townsley We believe this subject needs to be studied because, as we look at the pages of history, it seems there has never been a reformation or restoration among men where the people as a whole remained faithful to the principles of that reformation/restoration for even one hundred years! Generally, it seems, the descendants …

Should I Call My Preacher “Reverend”?

By Mike Willis When some people learn that I preach, they refer to me as “Reverend” or “Rev.” I understand that they are trying to show respect and courtesy toward me. Such religious titles are commonly worn by the “clergy” of the denominations and, judging the churches of Christ to be just another denomination, they refer …