Solos, Quartets: A Response

By Weldon E. Warnock Our differences, however, in opposition to solos and quartets are the following: Brother Bragewll opposes these practices because he believes they are unlawful, and I oppose them because I believe they are highly inexpedient, leading to praise in public worship becoming theatrical and mere entertainment. The crux of this exchange, by and …

The Problem Of Suffering

By Homer Hailey There is no experience more universally peculiar to the human family than that of suffering. Suffering may be physical, or it may be mental. Its source may be that of nature, the great benefactor of man, which blesses us, and then indiscriminately inflicts inestimable suffering upon her subjects. Or, its source may be …

A Reserved Place For A Kept People

By Mike Willis The apostle Peter spoke of the living hope of Christians as a means of encouraging them to maintain their faith amidst persecution. He wrote, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of …

Presumptions Against Infant Baptism

By Larry Ray Hafley Infant baptism is practiced by a number of denominations. However, the Scriptures do not assume the rite. Rather, they are filled with presumptions against the ceremony. The New Testament presumes the immersion of penitent, adult believers. Before we labor to sustain our thesis, let us notice some facts which do not forbid …