Church Discipline – It’s Purpose

By Vestal Chaffin “Why, I never heard of the church withdrawing from anybody,” is a statement recently heard from two members of the church in widely separated areas. Neither of these members are young in years. Both are probably in their late sixties. This points up a fault that has existed among churches of Christ for …

Grateful Thanks To Faithful Brethren

By Paul K. Williams In response to my article in Guardian of Truth in which I lamented the fact that in most churches evangelism in other places has a low priority, brother Leslie Diestelkamp wrote me an admonishing letter. He was concerned that my tone was too sharp. And the elders of a church which is …

The Television Church

By Harold V. Comer What is the audience (or the congregation) of the Television Church like? What motivates Christians to watch TV preachers and give their approval? Will their TV interest effect their local church affiliation and attendance? If viewers stay home more and attend services less, what benefits will they miss? What kind of personalities …