A Biographical Sketch: Billy Graham

By Steve Wolfgang Without question, America’s “best known Protestant churchman” is, and for years has been, Billy Graham. Born November 7, 1918 on a farm outside Charlotte, North Carolina, William Franklin Graham grew to adolescence with the daily regimen of dairy farming punctuated by revivalism and church services. He was sixteen when, in May, 1934, his …

The Perverted Concept of Self-Esteem

By Walton Weaver The current emphasis on building self-esteem as the focal point around which our preaching and teaching are to be centered is being received enthusiastically by many leading theologians today. During the last ten years the book market has been flooded with books on the subject. What was first laid down as a guiding …

The “Miracle” of Seed-Faith

By Mike Willis I stand amazed at the financial empires which the TV evangelists have been able to build. Through their abilities to raise funds from their listening audiences, they have been able to purchase television time, erect buildings for their corporate offices, build a recreational facility (Heritage Park), operate a university (Oral Roberts University), operate …