Divine Compassion

By Mike Willis The virtue of compassion is sadly lacking among some Christians. Others who manifest compassion direct it to the wrong people, in places where God does not want compassion shown. A compassion expressed like Jesus expressed is a virtue – one in which we Christians need to grow. Companion Defined The word “compassion” is …

Guardian of Truth Foundation Announces Plan to Publish New Testament Commentary Series

By Mike Willis and Melvin Curry For several years, planning has been done in order to produce a set of commentaries on the entire New Testament written by those who are Christians. Recognizing that most evangelical commentaries are written by men with a Calvinist point of view, the Board of Directors saw the need for a …

When The Principle Becomes Personal

By Warren E. Berkley It becomes necessary, sometimes, to speak out against sin by directly exposing the guilty parties. When John the Baptist called upon Jews to repent, he said the Pharisees and Sadducees were a “generation of vipers” (Matt. 3:210), and he rebuked Herod for adultery (Mark 6:18). Stephen was another who didn’t keep quiet. …