Pearls From Proverbs: Leaping Without Listening

By Irvin Himmel He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him (Prov. 18:13). This terse verse merits meditation. The lessons suggested by it should be of concern to all who want to serve God and be of help to mankind. A Sad Fact Sometimes when two people are …

The Buck Stops Here!

By Dennis G. Allan More popular than Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit, this game has more participants than Monday Night Football has spectators. It can be played without fields, courts, balls, boards or game pieces. Games are played at home, on the job, while shopping and even “at church.” Its closest relatives are “dodge ball” and “hot …

How Often Should Christians Observe The Lord’s Supper?

By Mike Willis The Lord’s supper was instituted by Jesus Christ on the night of his betrayal and was designed to bring to our remembrance his beloved sacrifice for sin. Knowing ~hat he would soon depart this world, Jesus commanded his disciples to take unleavened bread and fruit of the vine to remind them of his …

In Memory Of Harold F. Sharp, Sr.1915-1987

By James W. Adams On the Lord’s day, February 1, 1987, instead of occupying the pulpit, as he had faithfully done for almost fifty years, our dearly beloved Harold F. Sharp, Sr., of Little Rock, Arkansas, breathed his last in Arkansas Baptist Medical Center. For about two months, he had waged a valiant struggle with respiratory …