“The Beauty Of Holiness”

By Larry Ray Hafley The expression, “the beauty of holiness,” appears several times in the Bible (1 Chron. 16:29; 2 Chron. 20:21; Psa. 29:2). Though the meaning may not be the same, there is beauty in holiness. There is ugliness in unrighteousness. Our world sees no evil in alluring apparel. Television advertisements are notorious for dressing …

Liberals Throw The Bible Out The Window!

By Ron Halbrook Religious liberals won another victory in September 1985 with the election of E.L. Browning as Presiding Bishop of the 2.8 million-member Episcopal denomination. He holds the post through 1997. His liberalism is typical of the disregard for God’s Word which has caused so much moral and spiritual decay in our world. His views …

Life’s Greatest Challenge!

By S. Leonard Tyler Life’s greatest challenge today is just as it was in the days which mark the epochs of the history of God’s people. The changing of situations, circumstances and social evaluations do not and cannot set aside or his challenge. It shall stand throughout the ages. Your decision to reject or accept it …