The Authority For The Church

By Mike Willis The morning paper announced that the Indianapolis laity would meet with the Roman Catholic pope during his visit to the United States. Separated in a box for emphasis was this quotation from Valerie Dillon, director for the archdiocese’s Family Life Office: “Lay people are interested in a church that’s honest but still is …

What Am I Doing Here?

By Carl Curry Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common (Acts 2:44). The above passage portrays a most blissful scene of the early church. This peacefulness was soon to be interrupted by internal commotion and external persecution. This turmoil demanded more than ever that the Christians come together for periods of …

Has Lying Become Honorable?

By Don R. Hastings Like so many other Americans, I have heard some of the testimony given by Lt. Col. Oliver North. He is answering questions asked by an Iran-Contra Committee. Among other things, these Congressmen are trying to find out what role Mr. North had in supplying military aid to the Nicaraguan rebels. What I …


By Raymond E. Harris An instance of reconciliation always brings joy to the heart of the godly. The terms “reconcile,” “reconciled,” seed of “reconciliation” and “reconciling” are found a total of 13 times in the New Testament. The passages speak of four areas of reconciliation. Brother To Brother In Matthew 5:24, Jesus explained that it was …