Believers Yoked With Unbelievers

By Johnny Stringer The Old Testament forbade plowing with an ox and an ass yoked together. It also prohibited other mixtures, such as wool and linen in a garment (Deut. 22:9-11). The reasons for these regulations are not known. Similarly, the New Testament forbids a type of mixing. For a believer to be yoked with an …

Words Some Educated Preachers Do Not Understand

By Kenneth E. Thomas There’s something very strange to me about the preachers for the Protestant denominations around us. These men are usually college trained and/or have been seminary instructed in the Greek and English languages, and yet there are some very simple English words that seemingly very few of them understand! This problem isn’t limited …

The “General Horseplay” of Today’s Soap Operas

By W. Frank Walton Listen to the moral resolve of a spiritually-minded person: “I will set no worthless thing before my eyes ” (Psa. 101:3, NASB). To be pure, strong and godly, he will not fix his attention on base, ungodly things. Hear his prayer: “Turn away my eyes from looking at vanity” (119:37). Vanity is …