Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

By Jimmy Tuten Near Kentucky Lake a few years back, a thin, elderly man was cautiously pulling his bass boat behind a well-used pickup truck. Suddenly there appeared behind him one of Detroit’s latest with a young driver eager to show its capabilities. The fishing rig was moving too slowly and holding up traffic. So in …

The History Of Infant Baptism

By Luther W. Martin “Baptism was administered at first only to adults, as men were accustomed to conceive baptism and faith as strictly connected. We have all reason for not deriving infant baptism from apostolic institution, and the recognition of it which followed somewhat later, as an apostolic tradition, serves to confirm this hypothesis. Irenaeus is …

In Praise Of The Forgotten Member: The Preacher’s Wife

By Harland R. Huntoon It is Sunday night in early January about ten p.m. Services have long been over and the auditorium is empty except for four women talking softly on the back rows. Two young children sit sleepily a few rows up. Presently, a side door opens and four men come out of a classroom. …