“Marking Them That So Walk:” In Honor Of James W. Adams

By Randy Harshbarger Brethren, by ye imitators together of me, and mark them that so walk even as ye have us for an ensample” (Phil. 3:17). Taking to “heart Paul’s divine injunction to “mark” (“behold, watch, contemplate,” Vine, Vol. 3, p. 43), those faithful men who provide examples worthy of imitation, we use this opportunity to …

How Committed Are We?

By Mike Willis The concept of “total commitment” has become associated with the Crossroads movement. Although we oppose “total commitment” in its specialized meaning to refer to an unbiblical commitment to the Crossroads philosophy, we certainly do not want to oppose the total commitment taught by the word of God. We certainly are not opposed to …

Reprint of 1952 Booklet: Must I Attend Every Service Of The Church

By H.E. Phillips Introduction One of the greatest problems facing the church today is that of absenteeism. There are church members present at the Sunday morning worship hour who are not present Sunday night, Wednesday night or for the Bible study period on Sunday morning. There must be some reason for this deficiency in attendance. This …