Where Are They Now?

By Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. When bright and congenial brethren use their influence as preachers and writers to teach “destructive heresies,” they must be unmasked. Passive nonparticipation in their error is not enough – they must be exposed (cf. Eph. 5:11 -NKJV). Preachers of the word with ability and opportunity must be willing to reprove and …

Why Hear, If You Do Not Intend To Obey?

By Don Willis The Bible is the world’s most sought after book. More volumes of it are sold than any other publication. The Bible is translated into more languages and dialects than any other book. Probably, more people read some daily out of the Bible than any other book. James affirms, “Be ye doers of the …

Gleanings From Genesis: “In The Beginning, God”

By Wayne S. Walker We live in a day and age where our faith is being bombarded from every side. We see atheism (or at least secular humanism) being taught in our public schools, liberal theology in the denominations, and even modernism in the church. It is necessary that we continue to study those facts and …