“The Minister and Heretics”

By Larry Ray Hafley If you can read around and see through some of the denominational language and concepts, the following words by a Calvinist (Hardshell Baptist) will be helpful. The author, Wayne Camp, was formerly a Landmark Missionary Baptist of the Ben M. Bogard, Hoyt Chastain, Vernon L. Barr, Albert Garner school of thought. However …

In Memory Of H.L. Bruce (January 13, 1939 – October 31, 1987)

By Joe Neil Clayton The people of God are troubled to learn of the death of a beloved servant of Christ, brother H.L. Bruce, by his own hand. This perplexing news is considered incredible by those who have walked by his side, and have a deep appreciation for his steady affirmation of the Word of Truth. …

A Second Letter To A Friend Overtaken In Adultery

By Dick Blackford (This letter was written in November, 1981. Names and places have been changed to protect the family. This is the second in a series of three.) Dear Joe and Jeanette, Whichever one of you receives this letter first, I hope you will wait and both of you sit down and read it together. …