The Glorious Nature Of The Church

By Garreth L. Clair This article attempts to establish in the mind of the reader a facet of the Lord’s church not generally appreciated. That the church of Christ is a glorious institution can be determined by the definition of the word “glorious”: “glorious, full of honor; illustrious; celebrated; magnificent; exalted; colloq., splendid, inspiring admiration. – …

Was Paul “A Baptist Preacher”?

By Larry Ray Hafley In a Baptist publication, The Grace Proclamator and Promulgator, Wayne Camp states that the apostle Paul was “a Baptist preacher.” I do not know where Mr. Camp learned this, but it was not from the New Testament, unless I have overlooked something. A goodly number of Baptist preachers “at sundry times and …

The Bible Only Makes Christians Only

By Kenneth E. Thomas If every other belief and practice is in complete harmony with the will of Christ except the name by which one is called religiously, that person cannot be pleasing to the Lord. I hope my opening statement will gain the attention of the reader sufficiently to hear me out completely. If I …