Editorial: The Psychology of Fatherhood (I)

By Dantel G. Brown, Ph. D. (EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article appeared in the Sept. 1st, 1961 issue of Vital Speeches of the Day. It is the manuscript of a speech delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Maryland Council on Family Relations, Baltimore, Maryland, May 11, 1961, and to The Cadets of The Second Class, …

Are We Rushing Through Our Worships?

By M. Norvel Young (Ed. Note: The following article appeared in the Sept. 21, 1961, issue of the Gospel Advocate. We feel the thoughts therein deserve sincere consideration by many today.) In several business meetings I have listened to varied suggestions on how the worship could be shortened–“use more trays” “use an auxiliary table in the …

Tit. 2:10; 1 Pet. 3:3-4: Adorning The Gospel

By Jimmy Tuten Introduction: 1. Definition of “adorn” (Gr. kosmeo): “To arrange, to put in order. To ornament as garnishing tombs (Mt. 23:29), buildings (Lk. 21:5), and one’s person (1 Pet. 3:5). Metaphorically: to adorn the gospel (Tit. 2:10).” (a) The sentiment is expressed in 1 Peter 2:2; 4:11 where good works and holy lives glorify …