Christianity and Mental Health

By J. David Lawrence Competent psychiatrists should be lauded. However, not infrequently we hear of a psychiatrist leveling an attack against Christianity on the grounds that it is a contributing factor to mental illness. This is an unfair accusation, and reveals the doctor’s ignorance of the gospel; but often he may influence an individual to forsake …

Translation of Acts 2:38 By Baptist Schools and Scholars

By Luther W. Martin We have yet to locate a single Baptist scholar of New Testament Greek, the koine Greek in which the New Testament was originally written, who will turn his back upon his learning and scholarship, in order to wrest the meaning of Acts 2:38. It is not unusual to hear of individual Baptist …

Principles and Personalities

By Bryan Vinson, Sr. A proper distinction, action, is necessary in both in thought and all matters wherein truth and error are in combat, between the persons involved and the principles being defended and opposed. Unhappily, the easy and, therefore, the frequently selected course of many is to decide where to stand solely out of regard …