Cooling Gambling Fever

By Earl Kimbrough The alluring new Florida state lottery arrived recently with inflated fanfare. The media proclaimed it in banner headlines and pictured eager players panting like puppies expecting a bowl full of Kibbles and Bits. The first million dollar winner (a member of the church) was duly christened in a televised ceremony. All of which …

Too Far This Time

By Steve Dewhirst From earliest childhood I recall seeing the venerable name of George W. DeHoff on the cover of Bible class books. Over the years I’ve profited from tracts he’s penned, proclaiming the powerful gospel of Christ. He’s been preaching since the late 1920s. But he has long been associated with the digressive, institutional element, …

How To Preach So As To Convert Nobody

By Charles G. Finney (The following article is reprinted from the Restorer, February 1984. It has been adapted from an article by Charles G. Finney, published July 29,.1875. – DVR) The design of this, article is to propound several rules, by a steady conformity to any one of which, a man may preach so as not …