An Example of Restoration

By Daniel W. Petty The book of Nehemiah recounts the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the establishment of civil authority under the governorship of Nehemiah, during what we call the “restoration” period of Jewish history. God had promised, even before the captivity, that a faithful remnant would be restored (Isa. 10:20f). When Nehemiah led …

Needed Today: Men From The Tribes of Issachar and Zebulun

By Jody Broyles Leadership is a much talked about subject in the Lord’s church today. Some have striven to set aside the divine plan because of abuses they have seen. Others have merely gone on as usual and closed their eyes to problems that do in reality exist. Neither of these choices are viable options for …

Church History: Reformation (1)

By Aude McKee Introduction: I. In our lessons thus far, we have studied the establishment of the Lord’s church; its growth, departures from the divine pattern; the rise of the Catholic Church and some doctrines of Catholicism. II. As the years rolled by, the Roman Catholic Church became more powerful and more corrupt. In this period …