Functioning Overseers vs. Honorary Positions

By Rufus Clifford, Jr. Why do churches fail to grow? I’ll tell you why: they do not have functioning overseers. Active, vibrant leaders are essential in government, business, and in the church. A governor who does not function will be ineffective and cause the state much harm. A corporate president who does not perform will lead …

Keeping Out False Doctrine

By George Lemasters Ever since the church was established, it has had to deal with those who advocated ideas that were contrary to the truth. Jesus warned about false prophets, who, having the character of ravening wolves, would present themselves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15-20). Their absolute identity would be demonstrated by the fruit they bore. …

“Try A Little Tenderness”

By Larry Ray Hafley A radio station in Chicago used to play soft, gentle music. Their motto was the title of this theme. It is good advice. “Gentleness” is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted” (Eph. 4:32). “Comfort the feebleminded (faint), support the weak, be patient toward …

Church History: Origin Of The Christian Church

By Aude McKee Introduction: I. In the last lesson, we studied the efforts of men to “restore the ancient order.” A. James O’Kelly in Virginia and North Carolina. B. Elias Smith and Abner Jones in the Northeast. C. Barton W. Stone in Kentucky. D. Thomas and Alexander Campbell in Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. II. In …