A Response to Brother Kearley

By Larry Ray Hafley Thank you for your letter and accompanying enclosures. Your brotherly spirit was much appreciated, and I shall seek to respond accordingly. In my article of June 1, 1989, I plead guilty to putting words in your mouth via an imaginary conversation. In so doing, I did not misrepresent your position. Yea, verify, …

Education Beyond the Three R’s: It’s Time to Teach Ethics in the Public Schools

By Herman W. Hughes The celebrated American pollster, George Gallup, says this country is facing a moral and ethical crisis of the first dimension. He cites as examples of the moral decline widespread cheating on taxes which costs the government about $100 billion a year, pilferage costing department stores more than $4 billion a year, defaulting …

Analyzing the Arguments in Favor of Instrumental Music

By Mark Mayberry Christianity is a religion of faith. To walk by faith means that we live in harmony with God’s Word. This has special application to our expression of worship: It must be according to God’s will! Our faith, practice and worship must be grounded in the teachings of the Bible. The New Testament furnishes …