New Dress Fashions: Sheer Immodesty

By Ron Halbrook Godly women are taught to dress modestly so as to reflect reverence for God and so as to exert a good influence upon men (1 Tim. 2:9-10; 1 Pet. 3:14). Worldly minded brethren tell us that these passages do not forbid such “styles” as shorts, miniskirts, and swimsuits, but forbid only overdressing. They …

The Saints, the Saved, the Church

By Larry Ray Hafley “And at that time there was a great persecution against the church . . . and they were all scattered abroad” (Acts 8:1). “I wrote unto the church; but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not” (3 Jn. 9). The “church” is “they,” “them,” the saved. Saul …

“Same Song – Second Verse” (2)

By Bobby R. Holmes I call your attention to the introductory remarks that are noted in part 1 of this series and to the verses of Scripture used thus far (Exod. 32:1-6,15-28; Mk. 6:14-28). The charges against dancing continues: E. Dancing and divorce go hand in hand. On the dance floor, men and women are attracted …

Intercongregational Responsibilities

By Robert H. Farish The local congregation is the only organization for church function which exists by divine authority. Each church is to be under the direction of its own elders. This is taught by the example of apostolic action recorded in Acts 14:23: “And when they had appointed for them elders in every church, and …