Fighting the Sectarian View of the Church

By Harold Hancock A sect exists because of a distinctive philosophy, doc trine, or worship practice. It promotes allegiance to the party and the tenets of the faction. It is “division . . . in contrast to the uniting power of truth” (W.E. Vine, Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words). Pharisees and Sadducees are two sects …

Three Critical Misuses of the Tongue

By Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. When used metonymically in the Bible, “tongue” represents one’s language and the expression of it by any means. Hence, “tongue” includes every form of linguistic expression, not merely oral speech. One could lose the use of his physical tongue and still need to “bridle his tongue.” He could write in an …

Should Parents Spank Their Children?

By Michael Garrison Whether or not parents should discipline their children by spanking is of concern to many. Some actually teach it is wrong for parents to use any physical action as discipline. Others think if they “love” their children, they should not ever strike them in any way as punishment. God’s word provides directions in …