Examining Unity In Diversity

By Wayne Partain Division, not unity, Right up front I feel that the point needs to be made that writers for The Examiner openly advocate division. They teach “Unity in Diversity” (for example, 9/89, Dusty Owens; also Cecil Hook, 7/89, p. 12, “All true unity is in Christ where we accept each other in spite of …

Examining Worldliness

By Karl Diestelkamp It is inevitable that those who take looser and looser positions on biblical authority and who adopt the “no pattern” concept regarding the body of Christ will also take loose positions, or no position, on moral issues and worldliness. Such looseness is evident in The Examiner. Who Is “Morally” Responsible? By his own …

Church of Christ Chaplains

By Steve Wallace “Church of Christ Chaplains” are increasingly becoming a common part of Air Force chapel staffs. There are many such chaplains in Germany alone. It is our purpose in this article to look at some of the responsibilities of a chaplain, some pertinent passages from the Bible and some conclusions we may draw. Having …

Moral Courage

By Mike Willis The Lord revealed that “the fearful” would be cast into hell along with the unbelieving, abominable, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters, and liars (Rev. 21:8). Moral courage, therefore, is a character trait which those who desire to be saved must develop. What Is Courage? Webster defines courage as “the attitude or response of facing …