Truth Magazine July 2021

Editorial: The Work of Shepherds by Phillip E. Stuckey This special edition of Truth Magazine examines various areas of the work of elders and offers practical guidance on how they care for members of the local church. Thanks to Phillip Stuckey for selecting this theme and these writers. Meditations: What Does Heb. 10:25 Teach? by …

Truth Magazine June 2021

MONTHLY COLUMNS EDITORIAL: Balancing Form, Freedom, and Function, by Mark Mayberry MEDITATIONS: “Is Christ Divided?” by Kyle Pope WOMEN’S INSIGHTS: Running the Race Without Spectators, by Lindsay Mast CHALLENGES FACING CHRISTIANS: The Progressive Movement: Progressivism in the Workplace, by Corey Willis PRINCIPLES OF PRAISE: Examples of Dependence in Worship, by Matthew Bassford QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Can …

Truth Magazine May 2021

Editorial: Indwelling of the Holy Spirit by Mark Mayberry This issue of Truth Magazine focuses on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, a subject of considerable interest, and sadly, much speculation. Thanks to Bruce Reeves and Kyle Pope for helping assemble these topics and writers. Meditations: Is Matthew 24:34 a “Transition Verse?” (Part Two) by …

Truth Magazine April 2021

In my Editorial for the April issue of Truth Magazine, I address the subject of “Competence.” Here in Alvin, I have been helping team-teach a teenage boy’s Bible class on “Becoming Men.” As Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man, we must also. Therefore, let us develop skill sets that will …