BEARING FRUIT: Article 6: What in the World?

by Chris Reeves

Synopsis: The pope, as Christ's alleged representative on earth, doesn't always represent Christ correctly, and Kathy Lee Gifford calls us to get back to the Greek and Hebrew of the Bible.

Pope Pandering

Pope Francis recently told a group of high school students in Rome that they should not try to convert unbelievers to Jesus. They should speak and set the right example for unbelievers, but never try to proselytize them. His words (roughly translated from Italian to English via Google) were:

In front of an unbeliever, the last thing I have to do is try to convince him. Never. The last thing I have to do is speak. I have to live consistent with my faith. And it will be my testimony to awaken the curiosity of the other who says: "But why do you do this?" And yes, I can speak there. But listen, never, never bring the gospel with proselytism. If someone says you are a disciple of Jesus and comes to you with proselytism, this is not a disciple of Jesus. Proselytism is not done; the Church does not grow by proselytism. Pope Benedict had said it, it grows by attraction, by testimony. Soccer teams do proselytism, this can be done, political parties can be done there but with faith no proselytism. And if someone says to me: 'But why you?' Read, read, read the gospel; this is my faith. But without pressure (See link to the official Vatican text is found below).

Did you catch that? You are not a disciple of Jesus if you try to proselytize (i.e., convert) unbelievers to Jesus. That is quite a bold allegation. The pope is telling his followers that they should never try to convert Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. to Christ. This is nothing more than the pope pandering to the masses. The pope panders to and placates all who don't want to leave their false, man-made religions behind and come to Jesus. According to Catholic theology, the pope is supposed to be the "Vicar of Christ" on earth. Yet, he is practicing a popular "no pressure" religion. How odd that the so-called "Vicar" (i.e., representative or substitute) of Christ on earth is not even trying to convert people to Christ! Maybe Catholics should find another "Vicar." Catholics believe that Peter was the first pope. Pope Francis should read again what Peter did. He told people to change and come to Jesus (Acts 2:38-41; 3:19-26; 10:34-43). Even Jesus instructed others to change and come to Him (John 14:6). Peter and John told people to change (Acts 4:12). Saul of Tarsus, Paul, changed (Phil. 3:5-14). After Paul changed, he told others to change as well (Acts 13:38-39). Yes, some proselytizing is wrong (Matt. 23:15), but not all. The truth is, in fact, contrary to the pope's erroneous advice. Indeed, we are disciples of Jesus when we preach the gospel to others and seek to convert them to Jesus (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:47). Let us all be busy doing this.

Gifford's Greek Guidance

Please allow me to humbly offer some guidance to preachers, Bible class teachers, elders, concerned church members in the pew, and anyone else who may benefits from it. I'm going to call this the "Gifford's guidance" because it comes from some remarks made recently by Kathy Lee Gifford. When she was interviewed on the red carpet at the Avalon Theater in Hollywood during the 28th Annual Movie Guide Awards, she said the following:

We have not been taught the truth. And we wonder why we have no power in our lives. We're quoting Scripture that isn't true... If we're not quoting what it actually says in the Greek, actually says in the Hebrew, then we're not speaking the word, and the word is everything... I believe that when we start actually quoting the Scripture, properly, learning it properly, then we can apply it properly... Imagine the power that's going to erupt in our lives because we're doing what God said to do. Speak the truth in a spirit of love.

Wow! How refreshing to hear these words. I don't think I could have said it much better myself. We all need to "preach the word" (2 Tim. 4:2), "hear the word" (Luke 11:28), and "be doers of the word" (Jas. 1:22). It's simple. Preach, hear, and do what the Bible says—nothing more and nothing less. A big "Thank you" goes out to Ms. Gifford for this reminder.


Arnold, Lori. "Kathie Lee Gifford: If We're Not Quoting Hebrew or Greek Bible, We're Not Quoting the Word." Christian Headlines. January 30, 2020.

Ford, Adam. "Pope says Christians should never seek to convert unbelievers, anyone who proselytizes 'is not a disciple of Jesus.'" Disrn. December 22, 2019.

"Papa Francesco Incontra Studenti e Insegnanti Del Liceo Classico 'Pilo Albertelli' (20 Dicembre 2019): Francesco." The Holy See: Francis. December 20, 2019.

Author Bio: Chris preaches for the Warfield Blvd. church of Christ in Clarksville, TN. His Bible study website is He can be reached at