
FCC's "Living Link" Program

Cecil Willis
Akron, Ohio

(Editor's Note: Our series of articles on "Problems in the Church" is being suspended for one month to give room to the following article.)

What Is FCC?

Though there is a strong probability that most of our readers are familiar with FCC, yet for the benefit of those who may not know that for which FCC stands, we explain: FCC stands for FLORIDA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. FLORIDA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE is a standard fully accredited junior college which also offers two additional years of classes in Bible and Bible related subjects (such as Greek, Hebrew, and Bible Geography.) FCC, located at Temple Terrace, a suburb of Tampa, is now nearly twenty years old. Its administration and faculty all are faithful members of the Lord's church. Its student body is composed largely of members of the church. Studying in this fine co-educational institution are students from most of our states, and from several foreign countries.

Value of Such a School

Since it was my pleasure and good fortune to be a student at FCC from 1949-53, I do not find it difficult to speak of its values. In this school young men and women are enabled to study the arts and sciences at the feet of dedicated Christian teachers. Here their faith, instilled from childhood, is supported, while in many higher educational institutions insidious attacks are made by materialistic and modernistic teachers in an effort to supplant the faith in the hearts of these young people.

In addition to studying the arts and sciences, each student at FCC sets aside at least one hour daily to study the Bible. Some devote much more time than this to classroom Bible study.

In my personal experience there, I found that I received at least as much benefit from my association with Christian teachers and fellow students as from my class work. Since the school has a relatively small student body, there is a very close relationship between students and faculty, which also enhances the value of one's stay there.

Difficulty of Maintenance

FCC is a private educational institution. It, therefore, shares the financial difficulties of other private educational institutions. Such schools receive no tax support, such as that provided our state-supported universities and colleges.

Yet it hardly is feasible to attempt to charge students full educational costs in such a school. Were the students to be billed for the entire operational cost of education in such a private school, a prohibitively fantastic tuition charge would be necessary. Only the wealthy would be able to attend.

Even if the entire operational cost were billed to students, still there would be the need for buildings and maintenance.

Some of the private schools operated by brethren, recognizing this financial difficulty, have turned to the rather simple and effortless money raising device of accepting congregational funds. This money raising tactic FCC's board and administration will not employ. The brethren operating FCC recognize that they operate a private educational institution. FCC is a human institution; not a divine one. FCC is a private business enterprise; they engage in the business of education of youth--your's and mine. Devoutly believing that the church should contribute to no human institution, whether it be evangelistic, benevolent, or EDUCATIONAL, the administration and board of FCC refuse to accept any contributions from churches. For this resolute determination I sincerely respect them.

Without state funds or church funds, the school is left with but three sources of income: (l) that paid by students for their schooling; (2) that received from projects by the school (such as the woodwork shop, the hydroponics garden, and orange groves)-- which projects also enable some students to earn a portion of the necessary money for their education; (3) and that received from I contributions by individuals.

FCC's Plan

After students have paid what reasonably can be expected of them and the earnings from the woodwork shop, etc., have been counted, FCC still operates at an annual deficit. This deficit must be made up.

Having access to no big-money purse strings, FCC has devised what it calls a "Living Link" program. The Living Link program is one by which many people join hands, financially, to supply the necessary money to sustain this school.

The Living Link program, initiated in 1952, had an original goal of 2,000 "Living Links" -- each of whom would give at least $1 per month to support FCC. Within twenty months after the foundation of such a program more than 2,000 such persons had responded. FCC's financial problems temporarily solved.

But during the ensuing decade FCC has been caught in the economic inflation which all Americans know so well -- everythings "gone up" including the cost of education. The demand by accrediting agencies for schools to meet high standards of academic excellence is a sound principle and friends of FCC rejoice that this little college is endeavoring to maintain this academic excellence. Since World War II and especially since Sputnik, all colleges have been awakened to new responsibilities. These, plus inflation, call for more dollars to keep up the fine work begun in earlier years. Standards are becoming higher and this requires new equipment, facilities, and more and better-qualified teachers. This calls for an expanded "Living Links" program to meet the challenge. I want to have a part in encouraging people to assist the school; hence this unsolicited article

The Urgency

It is quite obvious that the liberals inside the churches today would like to see FCC die. In fact, some have taken every possible action to eventuate in its death. While the school has continued to grow, we must not assume that somehow it will almost miraculously be perpetuated. If it continues, people like you and me, people interested in its welfare, must assist to sustain it.

Who Should Help?

First, those of us who were former students certainly should assist. After all, someone else paid a good portion of the cost of the education which we received there. Secondly, parents whose children have gone there should assist now--someone also assisted you then by paying a part of the cost of educating your child. Thirdly, those who have children yet to be educated should help now. This will assure us of such a school to which we can send our children when they are ready for college. Certainly most of us would like to have such an educational institution in which to educate our children. Fourthly anyone interested in the youth of America should assist FCC, for a dollar invested in FCC is a dollar invested in America.

Following is a plan by which you can assist FCC. Remember the Income Tax laws permit you a 30% deduction. So a $10 monthly contribution to FCC in reality only costs most of us $7.78! !

Let us all help according to our ability. Even a little help from a lot of people will mean much. Give $10, $5, or $1 each month. Your help is needed now.

Truth Magazine VII: 5, pp. 2-3
February 1963