Ashdodic Language
From some quarters these days the language of brethren is so contaminated with the sectarian vernacular that it is not easy to detect even a lingering similarltv to the scriptural concept of many a matter. To illustrate, some of the brethren have about quit just plain old fashioned preaching - they "lecture" or "communicate" or give a "discourse" instead. Now there is a place for such as herein mentioned - but just some plain Bible or Gospel preaching in the tried and the true style of many of the worthies of years gone by with the same distinct and clear ring of those sermons recorded by inspiration in the New Testament certainly should be sufficient. Instead of a Gospel Meeting, one church recently reported a " 's Mid-Winter Emphasis On Evangelism." Another church recently conducted a "World Mission Clinic" whatever that may be - and one thing about its identity is a certainty - The New Testament does not even hint at such a conception of joint action of many churches as brought this thing forth. A brother in this city recently spoke of Abilene, Texas as "headquarters" and he even attempted to justify the idea of there being an earthly "headquarters" for churches of Christ. Less than ten years ago such would have caused some who now count this brother as holding a "loyal" position to have branded him as being "liberal". Of course, if the Highland church in Abilene had confined itself to the New Testament order as a local church this brother would never have even entertained the idea that it is "headquarters". Actually, the brother is simply honest enough to describe with accuracy the role Highland church plays with reference to a work which has been admitted to be the work of all the churches which they can pressurize into supporting it. But, "Ashdod" language, not Bible language, is required to describe it because the whole involved; namely, one eldership overseeing a work of several hundred churches, is not a Bible system. Then, another word which is abused and misused about as much as any of which the writer knows is the word Christian. Three times is it found in the New Testament - and every time it is used with reference to individual disciples of the Lord. When we employ the word in any other fashion we should be very careful not to abuse it and misuse it. It borders upon blasphemy to use this word to describe something of a purely physical and worldly nature as being "Christian". Yet we have so-called "Christian camps" "schools" "recreation" etc. etc. as though the Lord's blood was required to make any of them possible. Whv not rather choose language that will clearly set them forth as what they are? Let us strive to call Bible things by Bible names and do Bible things in Bible ways for Bible reasons. -Grand Avenue Admonitor Truth Magazine IV:8, p. 24 |