Roman Catholocism - The Foe of Freedom
The following quotations are taken from Roman Catholic Publications and are, therefore, accurate statements demonstrating the thinking of their respective Roman Catholic authors, be he Pope or Priest. Such public expressions constitute only a. few of the reasons why the inhabitants of the United States cannot afford the risk of a Roman Catholic President. "The Roman Catholic Church, convinced through its divine prerogatives of being the only true church, must demand the right of freedom for herself alone, because such a right can only be possessed by truth, never by error. As to other religions, the church will never draw the sword but she will require that by legitimate means they shall not be allowed to propagate false doctrines. Consequently, in a state where the majority of the people are Catholic the church will require that legal existence shall be denied to error and if religious minorities actually exist they shall only have a de facto existence without opportunity to spread their beliefs. In some countries Catholics will be obliged to ask full religious freedom for all, resigned at being forced to co-habit where they alone should rightfully be allowed to live. But in doing this the church does not renounce her thesis, which remains the most imperative of her laws, but merely adapts herself to de facto conditions which must be taken into account as a practical matter." 1. Claims a "divine prerogative" for the Roman Church. 2. Demands "the right of FREEDOM FOR HERSELF ALONE." 3. Catholicism "will never draw the sword" against other religions . . . as she has in the past. 4. She WILL use "legitimate means" to prevent the propagation of what she deems to be "false doctrine." 5. WHERE THE MAJORITY OF THE CITIZENS ARE ROMAN CATHOLIC . . . "the church will require that LEGAL EXISTENCE shall be denied" to other religions. 6. WHERE THE MAJORITY OF THE CITIZENS ARE ROMAN CATHOLICS . . . religious minorities will exist ILLEGALLY and UNLAWFULLY, THUS OUTSIDE-THE-LAW, or sans de jure. 7. "IN SOME COUNTRIES," (such as the U.S.A.) CATHOLICS WILL BE OBLIGED TO ASK FULL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM FOR ALL." 8.. "IN SOME COUNTRIES," (such as the U.S.A.) CATHOLICS ... (must become) . . . RESIGNED AT BEING FORCED TO COHABIT (live with those of other religious beliefs), WHERE THEY ALONE (Catholics) SHOULD RIGHTFULLY BE ALLOWED TO LIVE.." 9. As long as it is the PRACTICAL thing, Catholics should co-exist with their religious neighbors ... according, to this JESUIT Publication. 10. This THESIS or proposition . . . "remains the most imperative of her (the Roman Catholic Church) laws." "From what has been said, it follows that it is quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, of speech, of writing, or of worship, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man. For if nature had really granted them, it would be unlawful to refuse obedience to God, and there would be no restraint on human liberty. It likewise follows that freedom in these things may be tolerated wherever there is just cause; but only with such moderation as will prevent its degenerating into license and excess. And where such liberties are in use, men should employ them in doing good, and should estimate them as the Church does; for liberty is to be regarded as legitimate in so far only as it affords greater facility for doing good, but no farther." (Paragraph No. 42, English Translation of "Libertas Humana," by Paulist Press, 1941.) 1. This Pope decrees that it is "UNLAWFUL TO DEMAND, DEFEND OR GRANT UNCONDITIONAL FREEDOM 0F TH0UGHT, SPEECH, WRITING OR OF WORSHIP...." This was originally written in 1888. The English Translation copied was published in 1941. And, in 1954, the same statement was included in a publication entitled: "The Church Speaks To The Modern World" . . . so apparently the viewpoint is "MODERN." 2. "Freedom in these things may be tolerated wherever there is just cause . . ." that is, the Catholic Church will have to "put up" with this much freedom existing in the United States of America, until she secures greater influence. 3. Please remember that this Papal utterance is designated as "The Church Speaking To The Modern World." It is not the medieval and/or obscure mumbling of the Dark Ages. In fact, Leo XIII wrote his Encyclical on Human Liberty some eighteen years after the Vatican Council promoted, promulgated and pronounced the Pope to be INFALLIBLE (incapable of error), when, in his capacity as Pope, he defines a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by the entire Catholic Church. The exact course that any one Catholic candidate for political office may take in attempting to be loyal both to his country and to the "infallible" head of the Roman Church cannot be known in advance. One Catholic candidate might deviate from the established foundations and past history of the Papal Church, while another might follow the Catholic party-line to the subversion of the Nation. Therefore, the safe course for the U.S. voter to follow would be that of nominating and voting for candidates who are not obligated in any way to some foreign temporal and/or Spiritual ruler. Truth Magazine III:12; pp. 20-21 |