Modern "Divine" Healing - A Pseudo-Science? (3)
In our concluding article, we would like to notice several points of much interest. In an article entitled "The Truth About Faith Healers," McCalls, Feb. 1957, reports that operating under the titles of nonprofit, religious corporations, faith healers have brought in fantastic sums of money for themselves. Jack Coe in 1950 had accumulated holdings of more than $500,000. Oral Roberts receives a salary of $25,000 per year for personal expenses, as well as the fact his corporation brings in $3,000,000 yearly. Also, Roberts personal donations (from well wishers of his to him) brought in large amounts of money. From each meeting he keeps the sum brought in one night, sometimes running as high as $30,000 per year. Book royalties also bring in $80,000 per vear. Can there be any doubt of the profit therein? Let's now pause and look back over the material covered thus far. Does modern divine healing fulfill the terms of science, or pseudo-science? (1 ) Does it have a real science it patterns itself after? Yes, this is termed auto-suggestion (you suggest, and the patient does) also part of it is patterned after the Bible, though they will not try to fulfill all the Biblical pattern. (2) Is it harmful? There can be little doubt of this. Many say it is doing more good than harm, but if conducted properly it might be true, the modern method of practice does far more damage than the good can ever offset. Of Mrs. McPherson, an insane home in California said, "I have have never noticed so many insane patients coming from one source . . . I have no idea how many have been taken into private sanitariums resultant from this cause or source." (Modern "Divine" Healing Fully Exposed, p. 17. ) Many people are dying under the belief that they have been cured, and thus are alright. Many lose their faith in God completely when they learn what fakes these healers are after spending their all to be cured. (3) Is it based on emotional strain? Yes. (4) Is it a get-rich-quick scheme? Again we are forced to answer yes. (5) Will it stand the test of true scientific investigation ? No! Over and over again doctors have shown where it has failed. Likewise, the plain and simple fact that the faith healers won't let themselves be tested is another good proof of their failure. Truth has nothing to fear, but will permit itself to be examined before all that it might come forth triumphant, but when a doctrine closes itself off from examination before the public, then it has already admitted it has something that cannot be defended. McCalls tells us that "without exception American faith healers have so far refused to submit a single case to medical examination." (McCalls Magazine, Feb., 1957, p. 82.) The reporter then goes on to quote doctors as saying that every feat done by so-called "divine" healers has been done by medical science, and nearly every one of them by the process of mere auto-suggestion. As for their refusal to be examined, churches of Christ all over the nation have offered large sums of money for them to submit a single case for medical examination before and after the cure. The result? They mock it, and leave it alone. This offer has also been done by many individuals with the same luck. In conclusion, let me again remind you that these "healers" can only suggeset, but from there on it is dependent upon the individual. THEY CANNOT CURE YOU, regardless of the boasting claims they make. As for their practice, it cannot stand the test as a true science or miracle, and thus falls in the realm of a pseudo-science. Let us always endeavor to "prove all things; hold fast that which is good" because "the truth shall make you free." Truth Magazine III:4, p. 3 |