A Study of Translations: Today's English Version
Bobby L. Graham
Athens, Alabama
This abominable product of one man, one of the darling productions of denominationalists, makes every effort to write the denominational creeds into a so-called Bible. In this one, there is a deliberate effort on the part of Mr. Bratcher to eliminate the idea of atonement by the blood of Christ and all idea of blood by changing the word blood to other words-16 times in reference to the blood of Christ and 20 times in reference to other blood than Christ's. Along with the Revised Standard Version and the New English Bible, this unwarranted piece of literature removes the word begotten in John's writings, as in John 3:16; and it has Jesus disavowing any intent to abolish the Law and the prophets, but "to give them real meaning" in Matt. 5:17; puts Peter as the rock in Matt. 16:18, although Jesus did not say that Peter was the rock; says Saturday night in Acts 20:7, as well as referring to the fellowship meal instead of breaking bread, as it also does in Acts 2:42. The doctrine of faith alone gets its share of support in Romans 1:17 and 3:27-28 by the addition of the words only and alone. Rom. 3:25, 5:9; Eph. 1:7; and 1 Pet. 1:18 are just four passages where the word blood was removed as uncultured and repugnant to the mind of Mr. Bratcher. 1 Cor. 2:14 refers to "the man who does not have the Spirit," instead of the natural man as in the Greek text; 1 Cor. 14:2 lends aid to the current error on tongues by speaking of "strange sounds" rather than unknown tongues. Acts 2:1 supports the idea that all believers received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Gal. 1:22 refers to Christian churches, inserting the word Christian where there is no justification for doing so. The TEV has Jesus saying in Matt. 9:13 that he came not to call "respectable people, but the outcasts," but such wording does not even come near to the idea Jesus meant to convey, though it does express the social gospel view of Jesus' mission. The language of inspiration was overlooked in order to talk about certain ones going to hell in Acts 8:20, Gal. 1:8, 9. Matt. 3:11 sets baptism forth as, a means of showing that repentance has already taken place, but John's statement spoke of baptism unto repentance. 1 Cor. 16:2 talks of putting something aside, as if it could be a private action performed at home, but the verse really speaks of putting something into a common treasury to prevent a later collection. Such disrespect for the word of God is intolerable, especially in a so-called Bible! Truth Magazine XXII: 28, p. 460 |