I know a successful business man, a devout Christian, who has likely given hundreds of thousands of dollars into the Lord's work. I heard him say to a preacher, "if I could have your ability to preach the gospel, I would give everything I own! I reminded him that his talent for making money, and his unselfish use of it, might well be as important as the talent of the preacher. The Lord's work needs money as well as talent.
Some of the members here at Lafayette Road Church, George Boser, Arnold Smith and Robert Dillinger are giving their money to send TRUTH MAGAZINE to 100 families. They did not do this to get their names in the paper. The balance of this article will aim toward showing why it is important that we try to get such a paper as TRUTH MAGAZINE into hands of members of the church.
Heresies Old And New
There are now, within the ranks of those who still consider themselves members of the church of Christ, a number of prominent men, college professors and preachers, who are teaching heresies once found only in denominationalism: e.g. the direct operation and indwelling and guidance of the Holy Spirit apart from the word of God. This error has been refuted in debate often and effectively ever since the restoration movement got under way. But you may have noticed that when a fellow cannot find what he wants in the Bible, he starts getting vibrations from the Holy Spirit and begins to read the Bible with emotional predilection.
Theistic Evolution
Mission Magazine is an ultra-liberal paper, owned and operated largely by professors of Abilene Christian College. According to an article in the bulletin of the Scyene Road Church of Christ in Dallas, Mission Magazine recently presented awards for the "best article of the year" to two men. The articles which "earned" the award were written in defense of theistic evolution. And if theistic evolution is true, the Bible is not trustworthy. Take your choice.
Denominational Fellowship
Some other leading men among us are advocating fellowship with all baptized believers. This would include Baptists, Holiness, Christian church, including the ultra-liberal Disciples with their women preachers, junior elders and other deviations too numerous to mention.
Metropolitan Bishops And False Teachers
Brother Thomas H. Olbricht (associate professor of Bible at Abilene Christian College) said "the Jerusalem eldership was not over a group of people who met in one location, but over a group of people who met in various locations." If this professor does not know the difference between the breaking bread in verses 42 and 46 of Acts 2, he is hardly qualified to teach the Bible to anybody. The idea of one eldership over many churches was one of the first steps of the early church towards apostasy which led to Roman Catholicism.
Ira Y. Rice Jr. is not classed with the "antis." But here is what he said in his newsletter June 25, 1968: "... both at David Lipscomb College, Abilene Christian College and Pepperdine College, there are being retained on the faculties right now, teachers who are undermining the faith of our boys and girls just as fast as we send them there, supposedly for a good sound, Christian education."
Brother Don McWhorter (not an "anti") tells of some things which shocked him: "Recently I was shocked as I was confronted with a situation that seems to be getting common among us. All in the same day I saw and heard the following: (1) 'What's wrong with us today is that we are just a bunch of separate congregations.' (This fellow was not happy about the way the Lord organized the churches--L. B.) (2) a plea for organized 'Christian' sports among various congregations. (3) A pressing need for youth directors in every congregation. (4) Two women preachers divided 45 minutes between them and spoke to a mixed audience, including about as many men as women, among them preachers, deacons and elders.
Modernism is an attitude towards, among other things, the word of God. Its influence is being increasingly felt. This is what Ira Rice meant when he made the statements quoted above. Verbal inspiration of the scriptures is almost a joke with many preachers and teachers. And these preachers and teachers are in a position to affect the greatest possible influence on the youth with whom they come in contact. This is one of the reasons we are urging that you help us to get this magazine into as many homes as we can. You may have said, "I have my Bible and I don't need any paper to help me teach my children against these false positions." Well and good, if that is true. But there are many good Bible students who are not familiar with the subtle arguments of false teachers. And many young people from the homes of Bible reading parents have been robbed of their faith by such teaching. Do not be deceived, the church of this generation is facing crises the like of which we have not before experienced. The enemy now is within
When Foy E. Wallace Jr. decided to remove himself from among them with whom he had stood through in any battles, he wrote some articles in the Firm Foundation. Among other things, he said the church was headed for a three way split. Here is about the way he said it: "The liberals will go on out and form another denomination; the antis will dry up on the vine; but the main stream of the church will go right on as it has been." Whatever his motive in writing that prophecy, I think one third of it was correct.
The liberals will, in time, do just what the Christian Church did, become a denomination, and I think the time is not far distant. As to the prospect of the "antis" drying up on the vine, that was wishful thinking. That is what the Christian Church thought when they put the organ in and thereby put the objectors out. History did not vindicate their prophecy. The church has suffered many cruel blows, but it will be here when the Lord comes (II Thess. 4:16-17).
In the meantime, however, the pied pipers will continue to lead young people and old perhaps, into the spiritual cemeteries of modernism. Help us to prevent some of this by putting into their hands answers to subtle propositions of the pied pipers. If you can send TRUTH MAGAZINE to only one family, then send it. If you can, send more. And thanks.
March 5, 1970