Book Store Briefs

0. C. Birdwell, Jr.
Barberton, Ohio

Vacation Bible School Material

Brethren who are responsible for ordering vacation Bible class material should be re minded that the time is now. In fact, sample kits should al ready have been ordered. However, if you will get your order in soon you may still receive your class books and teachers guides well ahead of your scheduled classes. In a separate ad we have listed four VBS series. We can Supply most any series in print. If our listing does not please you, write us about a specific series.

Tracts and Tract Racks

More and more gospel teachers are becoming aware of the tremendous power of the printed page. Complete gospel- sermons can be bought for just a few cents and may be read at one's leisure in the comfort of his home. We can supply a good tract rack that will hold 15 different tracts for $15.00. Also, a large selection of assorted tracts is available through Truth Magazine Book Store.


The following are some good books that will help you with some of the modern day problems: Reason, Science, and Faith, by J. D. Thomas ($4.95); Hermeneutics, D. R. Dungan ($3.00); How We Got the Bible, Lightfoot ($2.50); Cogdill-Woods Debate ($3.00); Walking by Faith, Cogdill (cloth, $1.50, paper $1.00); The Spirit and the Word, Sweeney ($2.00). The Spirit and the Word deals in a concise way with a subject that now is being widely discussed.

Announcement has been made that the Willis-Inman Parkersburg Debate will be published in book form. Several have sent in orders. If you would like to have a copy, send us your order and we will hold it until the book comes from the printer. Please do not send any money. We will not know the price until later, but we will assure you that it will be sold as cheaply as possible. You will be billed when the book is mailed.

Marching Feet and Sounding Trumpets is a new tract showing the advancement by some "churches of Christ" into the social gospel. Brother Luther Blackmon, preacher for the Bedford, Ohio church and Associate Editor of TRUTH MAGAZINE, is the able author. Brother Blackmon, in his own clear and forceful style, charges digressive brethren with bringing into churches of Christ "almost every unscriptural practice of the Christian Church" which caused Brother Floyd Decker and many others to leave the Christian church. Not only does brother Blackmon charge liberal brethren with these unscriptural innovations, he proves that he knows what he is talking about (31 pages, 20c each, or $15.00 per hundred).

Bible Class Material

Send us your class material order. We can give better service than ever before. However, we still would like to have your order well in advance of your need. Write for order forms, and a catalog.

A Special Note in Closing

Several churches are getting a monthly bundle of TRUTH MAGAZINE or they are sending directly to a mailing list. TRUTH MAGAZINE provides a wealth of teaching material that should go into the homes of members of the church throughout the land. This material may be bought by churches in the same manner they would buy any other teaching material. We will send a bundle to you monthly for your distribution and bill you (25 for $5.00), or better still, we will mail them directly to a list of names you supply and bill you for the same amount. In my judgment, more churches should take advantage of this teaching opportunity. Act now! Truth Magazine Book Store, Box 7245, Akron Ohio 44306.

April 1967